Are there any debt management companies out there that deal with both credit card and bounced checks debt? Or one that just deals with bounced checks?
Debt Management with Bounced Checks?
check out DMB financial. they%26#039;ve been helping me with my credit card debt...which is almost done...YAY!!
they may helpw ith checks too...don%26#039;t know
Debt Management with Bounced Checks?
If you have outstanding bad checks your other finances may not matter you have committed a crime and it is punishable under the legal system if the places turn their bad checks over to the local police dept. you WILL be prosecuted unless they are paid along with the applicable fees.
IF you are sued in court for these these checks the amount can be treble (find your states rules and regs).
Not paying your credit card is one thing writing bad checks can be quite another.
Learn to read, no one condemned you for witing bad checks I gave you the honest and exact situation with bad checks so you might take it more seriously than a credit card company coming after you.
To bad you can not take away the negtative response you gave my answer based on NOT wanting to know the truth!
If the things were done fraudulently why have you not informed your bank and therefore have the funds transfer back to your account and thus can pay the checks or a part of them off? Just asking!
Debt Management with Bounced Checks?
There are companies who will help with that as well. Have they been sent to a collection agency at all? If so then they can definetly work with them. If not there may still be a way for them. I had a friend who had some and they were able to work with them. I think she used a company called American debt management company.
Debt Management with Bounced Checks?
The first question is why are you paying for something that you did not okay or approve? It seems you should be working on getting your money back from the company rather than paying them off. Depending on the exact circumstances you might be able to get the money back from the company and have them pay for any overdraft fees that were charged because of the charges.
Now, if it is something where you can%26#039;t get your money back you might be able to find a Debt Management Program that works with a bounced check. But you can usually do the same thing yourself by writting a settlement letter with a payment plan you can work with to the company. But do not send any money to them until you get an agreement from them.
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