For example, take a look at credit card debt among college students. Credit cards are being targeted at them. When a teen graduates high school, what has he/she learned in terms of real world skills? For instance...the fundamental operations of a bank for consumers. How checking accounts work. What debit/credit cards are for. The pitfalls of easy credit, the concept of saving for a %26quot;rainy day...%26quot; What a 401k/IRA is... How stocks/bonds work... living within one%26#039;s means (setting up a budget)... and so on. I know that parents should pick up where the school stops, but obviously it isn%26#039;t working. It might only take one lecture a week for a sememster as a junior/senior. Sure, they know how to take an SAT and can even do calculus, but that won%26#039;t stop the debt collector from knocking on the door.
Are children learning skills necessary for survival in the modern world?
Very True- Alot of homeschoolers make this same point on why homeschooling is a good option because they learn %26quot;home and Life%26quot; skills such as bill paying/ cooking/ shopping/ staying in a budget. Its sad how many students do find themselves stuck in this situation
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