Saturday, October 31, 2009

I recently left my husband and he fled fraud charges against me of some sort?

HI! I recently left my husband and he filed fraud charges against me of some sort regarding our credit card debt.

there are about 4 cards taken out in either his name or both our names and I used those cards myself and paid on them myself. He took some out and I did too. Now he supposedly filed charges with the police dept of %26quot;forgery%26quot; of sorts. That he didnt know what the credit card activity has been for the past year when he just took out a home loan to pay some of these debts off in January this year and in that home loan was a list of %26quot;ALL%26quot; our debts. We both signed those papers only 3 months before I left him. How can he make such charges against me? Hes played head games with this debt since I left him. What are the odds that these charges will hold? I dont have a clue? I am makeing arrangements with the companies to pay them off. I wrote the states attny office incase there is an investigation and explained the situation. Hes my husband COME ON!

I recently left my husband and he fled fraud charges against me of some sort?

Forgery will not lie against you because you have a relationship as husband and wife when the expenses were incurred. Thus, prove in court that the expenses were for the sustenance of the relationship.

I recently left my husband and he fled fraud charges against me of some sort?

Since you are married, all money is joint money. You both are free to use the money no matter who put more in the bank or who racked up more debts. You are both responsible for paying the debts off. If it was to go to court, I am sure you would not get nothing for forgery. Both of your names are on the Credit Cards and since he signed the paper also for the home loan there is no way he can say that he didn%26#039;t know about the debts. To take out a home loan with both of your names on it he would have had to be present to sign the papers, there is no way you could have forged his name. You can also use the clerk at the bank who gave you guys the home loan as a witness that he was there in person and signed his name and was fully aware of all the debts in question. Don%26#039;t pay off all the debts by yourself. Go and file for a divorce and make sure he pays his share of the debts. It is not fair for you to pay for everything just because you don%26#039;t want to be with him anymore and he is trying to intimidate you with these fraud charges. Good Luck with whatever happens.

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