Congress Asked to Lift Debt Ceiling
Paulson Tells Congress the Current Debt Ceiling Will Be Hit on Oct. 1
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson told Congress on Wednesday that the federal government will hit the current debt ceiling on Oct. 1.
He urged quick action to increase the limit, saying it was essential to protect the %26quot;full faith and credit%26quot; of the country, especially at a time of financial market turmoil.
The current debt limit is $8.965 trillion. Unless Congress votes to raise that ceiling, the country would be unable to borrow more money to keep the government operating and to pay debt obligations coming due.
Is Bush a big deficit spender because he was born a spoiled brat used to spending on his daddy%26#039;s credit card?
Man Bush MUST be an elite liberal then
Is Bush a big deficit spender because he was born a spoiled brat used to spending on his daddy%26#039;s credit card?
people with as much wealth as the Bush family have no need for credit cards. oh and for all of those here that will say %26quot;oh the libs are big spenders too%26quot; think about this:
universal health care will ONLY cost 110 billion a year, as opposed to the 250 billion a year that Iraq has cost so far.
Is Bush a big deficit spender because he was born a spoiled brat used to spending on his daddy%26#039;s credit card?
The dems LOVE to do the same, spending money on programs that do not work. Aka Social insecurity, Medicare, etc.
Is Bush a big deficit spender because he was born a spoiled brat used to spending on his daddy%26#039;s credit card?
By spending like a drunk sailor Bush is making sure that whoever becomes president after him will have to raise taxes. There is no other ways of paying for the Iraq war. Right now he is borrowing and spending.
Is Bush a big deficit spender because he was born a spoiled brat used to spending on his daddy%26#039;s credit card?
Bush is a big spender because Cheney told him %26quot;Reagan showed that deficits don%26#039;t matter%26quot;, and because he fell for the crackpot Laffer Curve that was tried before and led to huge deficits.
Is Bush a big deficit spender because he was born a spoiled brat used to spending on his daddy%26#039;s credit card?
Bush is nothing but a puppet for his masters - the lobbyists, who bought the votes to get him onto power (Oil, Military Industry). that is the reason, why he is most of the time on vacation, because Condo (oil) and Dick (military) run the show anyway. He only comes out to read the prepared speeches.
Is Bush a big deficit spender because he was born a spoiled brat used to spending on his daddy%26#039;s credit card?
It%26#039;s only fair that we take every last dime from everyone in the bush administration and Halliburton and the other companies engaged in profiteering in Iraq. They have stolen from us, and that would at least refund a portion of their thievery.
Is Bush a big deficit spender because he was born a spoiled brat used to spending on his daddy%26#039;s credit card?
That%26#039;s just an inane comment. Truly juvenile and antipathic toward civil or intelligent discourse.
I don%26#039;t recall any Democratic Party filibusters of the spending bills he signed.
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